Ways to use a household hanger you never knew before

Hangers are an overlooked item in most households, but when you really think about it, there are hundreds of things you can do with them. Here are just eight ways to use that hanger you’ve been hanging your clothes on
A hanger may seem like an ordinary household object, but it can do much more than you think. Hangers are useful in the closet and around the house, especially when they’re multipurpose hangers. Here are eight ways to use the multipurpose hanger that you probably never thought of before now.
A household hanger has many different uses than just hangin g clothes in your closet. These days, there are many more options available to you when it comes to the types of hangers you can purchase, which means you can likely find one that will serve your needs perfectly. Here are some different ways you can use a household hanger besides the traditional way of hanging clothes up in your closet.
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